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![]() This is a story with Harry Potter in it. If you dont like him, just send in your own at your writing. Also these chareters aren't mine exept .
Harry woke up in the early morning and quickly got dressed. He ran into Ron as he was walking to breakfast.
"Hey Harry , did you hear?!!?" Ron yelled ecxitedly. "At the rate your yelling I'm surprised I haven't."Harry grinned.
"Just go to the Great hall after breakfast,you'll see."Ron said. "Actually I'm not very hungry, I'll just wait."
At 9:30 A.M. they all headed to the great hall to see the sorting hat on its stool."Are we getting resorted?"Hermonie asked frightened.
"No, Doedoe Brain."Ron said as if Hermonie was as stupid as the chair she was sitting on. "Oh so I'm the stupid one!" Hermonie snapped." Your theone who had to redo your whole potins project!" "Thats because Snape's a .... you know!"Then Dumbledore appeared and the candles dimmed and all you could see was Dumbledore himself."2nd years(Harry was one) will be having 2 new students who have been transffered from another magical school. They will be sorted after I introduce them. The torches where lit fully again. A young boy was standing next to Dumbledore. The other torches went out again."This is David Woods." The torches came on again. A small and fragial girl with shoulder length black hair and beautiful emerald green eyes. Harry held his breath ,she kinda looked like him ,exept she was beautiful.The torches went out . "This is Star Woods." Dumbledore said. All torches flicked on. "Woods,David" Professer McGonagall called. He placed the hat on his head."Ravenclaw!"The hat yelled.
"Woods ,Star". She gently placed the hat on her head."Gryffindor!" It yelled. The Gryffindor table cheered as they looked her over again.After they ate Dumbledore stood up. "For the celebration that The Woods have arrived , 2nd years will have a feild trip..." Suddenly whispering went around the room." Its them.... " "Not THE Woods!" Hermonies chin trembled. Rons mouth hang open. "Whats so great?"Harry Whispered. "Harry, it was true this Summer , you haven't read The Daily Prophet !"Hermonie told him."We thought you knew , but nobody talked about it around you, we thought it remind you of your past."
Suddenly Harry understood , he saw the girl's scar. "It will be to Alaska. You will have fun skiing and more and don't worry about muggle money we've got that covered!"Dumbledores voice boomed trying to block out the chatter.Prefects looked at their watches or the clock on the wall.Dumbledore getting a bit annoyed that even the prefects wern''t even paying attention."All children get to stay up later tonight Prefects , since it is a weekend." Well, that got their attention.Well,ok, maybe they wern't too happy,but hey THEY were paying attention thought Dumbledore.Finally after the cermony, the threesome got to meet The Woods."Hi I'm Hermonie.""And I'm Harry and this is my friend ," "Ron Weasly!"Butted in Ron.Hermonie glared at Ron."Well , you should know us."Said David.He said it in a harsh tone."If only, that, that!""David, don't talk about that!"Star said with tears swelling up in her eyes.She turned around and left."Girls" David said and left after her. "Now wasn't that nice,I think," "Oh shutup if you would Hermonie"Ron said. Harry joined Ron .They left and headed to their dorms to pack. "Wow they were upset."Said Ron ." I would be too,I know how they feel." Harry said. They packed their bags and then looked at their chocolate frog cards. After that they walked around the castle and poked around. Then they headed back to their dorms just to talked to the other guys."Did you know that David is in his third year?"Asked Seamus."No"Answered Professer McGonagall.She sat down and said,"What have you been up to?" "Oh I was talking to David, he seemed really nice, really nice and I,"Seamus went on."That should be enough Seamus,Harry and Ron, you?" "Oh we've been hagin' out , we walked, talked and looked over!" Ron laughed at his own joke. Then, after Professer McGonagall knew what everybody did that evening,she got up and muttered, "Slytherin!" "What do you mean Professer?" Harry questioned. Professer looked somewhat relived that she could explain out in the open."Someone has been trying to contact Well, You know who at a certain somewhere and I know it couldn't of been you, though Ron didn't give the best description of where he was, but I saw them going back into their dorms from the North Tower and there was only one trail leaded from this certain somewhere and that wasn't it." She sighed. "Oh and I have the groups youv'e been sorted in for our trip to Colorado." "What do you mean?" Asked Neville. "Well you sleep in cabins and you are grouped up with certain people, unfortunly the resort we are staying at dosn't have many cabins . But the cabins are very big, but ,she paused, we have to put in one person from a seprate house with every group and you have Slytherin." Everybody groaned. Professer McGonagall cleared her throat,"Here's your group, also it is with girls and they have their own beds too ,and, some of you may not be in this certain group,I'm saying the first, by the way there are only 5 to a group and most certinly their is not 5 in this house, oh my dear no...." All the boys just wanted to shout "Get on with it!" But of course they didn't. "Anyway here they are , Harry Potter , Ron Weasly,Star Woods ,Hermonie Granger and, Draco Malfoy." Harry couldn't sleep that night for 2 reasons, the feild trip and how Malfoy was going to mess it up. So when he got up the next morning he was tired, he had gotten lucky knowing the Hogwarts Express left in the evening. He noticed he missed breakfast which was at 8:00 and he had woken up at 9:30. Just by looking around he noticed he was'nt the only one who had been absent for breakfast.He slowly dressed.And then layed back down. His dorm looked bare with everybodys stuff gone and packed away. He stood up again and this time stayed that way. He woke up Ron and then he got dressed. They left the dormortory quietly and then took a walk around the castle talking about what Professer McGonagall had said , when they ran smack-dab into Snape who had David by the arm , tightly. Snape glared at them and said "5 points from Gryffindor ," And left. "How very strange."Said Ron."Usually he would take atleast 15." Later on in the evening at 8:00 they boarded the Hogwarts Express . Hermonie and Star had been sitting in an seat when Harry and Ron had boarded the train . So they sat down. They hadn't had dinner, so they were all hungry. Knowing the trip would take 30 minutes then they had to board the ship ,but the ship trip would take a few days, the school had covered the money on everything. They all got food. They talked for a short time. Then Dumbledore stood up and said, "There shall be a ball!" He could be so weird sometimes! Fianally when they were on the ship, Harry asked, "Star, I was wondering if you would go to the ball with me?" Star blushed and whispered, "Yes Harry."And kept blushing. The 4 said nothing for about 5 minutes."Did you know I have 5 Merlin's " Ron broke the silence and Hermonie practicaly fainted. "Oh, Ron trade you a Godric Gryffindor." "Anyone want a Dumbledore?" Asked Harry. "Oh yeah!"Hollered Star ."Trade you a Ravenclaw person." "Sure ." They traded and traded.It was only 6:00 when they got bored . Hermonie took out on Muggle Studies called "American History", Ron was just sitting , Harry as looking over his cards and that was when Star pulled out her gameboy. "Whats that?" The other three asked. "I attened 2 other magical schools and 1 was from America, but I'm really from England, anyway they have these all over the place their and my parents, well, they um, got this for me,thats,um, all." She teached them how to play the game and they took turns.Then the air got really icy.It was late November, but it was freezing cold. Soon Professer McGonagall appeared with blankets . She gave everybody two and said, "The heater is broken, and we forgot the spell! If anyone knows it please help us, wait a moment, you are second years!" Even Hermonie didn't know the spell.Under the 2 blankets it was cold , because the blankets were cold. Soon it got very, very , cold. Hermonie fainted. So did Ron and pretty much every single girl after that, because it got colder. The icy chill in the air was eathining,even all the teachers fainted. Soon, everyone was out exept Star and Harry. "Harry?" "Yeah?" "My scar hurts really bad " "Mine too." And then they both went out. It was the next day at 8:00 , when they woke up . Everyone was relived , that they had been moved to upper class ship bunks and they had fireplaces. Hermonie said she over heard Captain Juwuserlen it was there fault, so the school didn't have to pay. The fireplace only gave off so much heat, so it was still a little cold. Since Harry and Star were the first once up, they had the chance to talk about what hapen to there scars."Where did your scar go anyway?" Harry asked. She waved her hand infront of her forehead and it appeared. "Woah!" Harry said. She waved her hand again, but it didn't go away."Hey whats up with this, it's stuck permantley!" " What?" Harry nearly yelled ."Harry , I think that whoever tried to contact Voldermort, the air semed icyer, has gotten there way!" A huge wave hit the ship and since Harry and Star were the only ones standing, it knocked them down facedown , and their heads the things that held their bed and fainted. ~~ Next day~~ The 2 woke up in what Madame Promfey called her ship hospital wing. "Chocalate a dose for both, is what I always say, " "Really Poppy I don't know .." "Oh Dumbledore, it's special chocolate I ordered it in from, A Nurse in You, a magazine, oh please!??!" "Oh, alright!" Hermonie and Ron walked up. "How are you feeling?" Hermonie dropped a gift into a big pile . "Fine." Harry and Star both said. "Harry You know who is on the loose." Ron said. "Who?" Asked Star. "Voldermourt."Said Harry. "HARRY!" Chouresed the 2 friends. Star and Harry laughed. They were so weak though, it hurt. "Yep, El' Dumblebee says you two will be better by the time we get to old 'Laska!" Said Ron. "You sound like George and Fred." Said Star . "Oh really ?" Someone's voice popped. Soon David appeared. "David how did you get here ?" "I'm old enough to use Floo Powder , not that I liked it. " He wiped soot of of him. He went to Star's side and hugged her. "How are you anyway, I heard your scar started hurting." "Yeah it did and painfully too." Star answered. "Hey, weres your scar?" Hermonie asked. "Oh, I wasn't there when, it , uh, happened." He quickly said. "Oh." "That will be all." Madame Pomfrey shooed them out. "Now sweetums , how are you?" She smiled. Harry remembered Star told him that her smile reminded her of a dragon's smile. He laughed. "What?" The nurse snapped. Star fell asleep again, but Harry was still wide awake. He opened the presents he had gotten for the bordem of it. He had gotten a game, of Exploding Snap and woke up Star so she would play with him. They played all evening and then told each other stories and jokes, it was probaly 2:00 by the time they were asleep.They woke up at 12:00 the next day , but that's pretty much what they could , do most of the time. By the time they could move, they couldn't leave the first floor and it was real boring there. Nothing but a closed down Summer store , a resturunt and a shirt store was there. Harry and Star usually ate there.This morning, in the dull shirt shop, they saw Dumbledore. To make a long story short, he freed them from The Hospital Wing. The first thing Harry and Star did was go to the small ice skate ring on the last floor. They explored the ship all night and fell into a deep sleep as they entered their bunk. THe next morning was their last on the ship , so they went to the ice skating rink. Star practice her figure eights , while Harry practiced skating alone."Come on Harry , Star said skating torwards a corner, I'll teach you how to skate." Harry followed her. When he had all the curves down, he was ready. "Turn, turn, steady and turn" Harry muttered. He took a sharp turn and fell on his hip. "Harry , are you ok?" Star wasn't laughing. "Yeah, I'm fine." Harry answered.She helped him up on his skates.They skated till the ship stopped."We must be in New York." Star said. "Then we'll take the train , right?" THe two held on to the rail, then skated forward. It wasn't real ice,though, so it could suppport everybody's weight. "All off!" Professer Snape hollered. "Now!" They all boarded a train, but it wasn't the hogwarts express. The teachers said this train had rooms in it, and whoever your cabin people are you must stay with them. They were ok rooms, "Better hen a closet under the stairs. "Thought Harry. There were 5 bed, a sink , a small bathroom and that was it. Harry dropped his bag . All the gryffindors were going to have a party in room #3 . Harry headed over there.The music was sang by a witch named Sara Pickldea and
Parvarti and Lavender loved her. Harry looked around for Star and the rest of the group.Maybe Pavarti and Lavnder would knw. "Yeah, yeah, you know , ya know you love me, oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh! Yeah , yeah, of course you dooooooooooo!" Lavender sang and sang. "Hey Lavender!" Harry yelled over the music. She still had her back turne. "Yeah, Yeah, will all know yooouuuu!!!!" "Lavender!!!!" Harry screamd. "Yes, she said rudely, oh, it's you Harry , hi, how are you?" "Where's Star?" He asked ammidently. He had no time for Lavenders flirting. "Uh, rude! She's at the refreshment table. Anyway, is she yyour date for the ball? Because I kinda wanted to go wirh you." But Harry was already at the small refreshment table. The room wasn't that small though. Harry was talking to Star, when she asked something he couldn't answer. "Where is Malfoy , anyway?" "He's couldn't make, it, he had detention." Ron appeared. Star hugged him , in a freindly way , as she did to Harry. "Oh, my band's going to play." Star said. Star had mentioned she sang one night. "Recyopwaquey!" Star yelled and a stage with drums an 2 guitars appeared. Colored spotlight went around the dark room. Star sang like an angel. The band, played all type of songs, country, pop and rock . Soon the party was over , but nobody was tired. "Star sing to us!" Harry said. "O.k., which song?" She answered. Harry, knowing Star was kind to shy, didn't think she would have agreed to the idea. "I liked that song, uh, oh yeah, Me and you!" Ron said. Star started to sing. "The clock ticks as time goes by, and your late again, well, so long my friend. Me and you, I just can't see. Me and you, life would be much better for me , if you had a clue, on me and you!!!!" Star sang till' they were in their rooms, Hermonie said, "I'm going to brush my teeth." Harry , Ron and Hermonie had made this a secret sayingwhen one of them wanted to talk. So, when they were in the small bathroom , Hermonie had turned on the water. Star needed to use the restroom all the sudden.She had a stomach ache. She had good friends,and beside's they shouldn't care that badly by brushing their teeth! Hermonie just started her speech and Star could hear it over the water. She walked to the door. "OK, shoot Hermonie." Harry said. "I don't see what's so good about her .She think's she can be miss i'm soooooooooo good, just cause her parents died. If you ask me she's a brat! I wish she'd stay in that stupid school she came from!!!!!" Star went back to her bed.Real freind's don't keep secret's they share. Hermonie should say that to her face. And her old school was NOT stupid, Hermonie was. And Harry and Ron, she had trusted them. 4 can play this game, only one can win. Too bad she left before Harry and Ron started a arguement. "Hi" Harry said sweetly. We get off the train tin 3 days.. Star decided she would play the silent treatment on them. It went on for a hour. "What's wrong?" Ron asked. "Yeah , we are your friends." Harry said. "FREINDS? YOU CALL WANTING ME TO GO BACK TO MY OLD SCHOOL, SAYING I'M A BRAT, SAYING I'M STUCK UP AND SHARING SECRETS, FREINDS!!!!!!! NOT IN MY WORLD!!!!"Star screamed.She went on and on.At 4:00 A.M. , she had it figured it out. Hermonie wasn't a fan.Fine .~they got to the cabins~Unpacked. The next day Harry , Ron and her went skiing. Star sang a song for Harry. He said he wanted tohear the song called Too bad. So as they were skiing down the hill, she sang, "Too bad, but it's so true, too bad, too bad,ooh ooh, I have you. But thing's change and your date is due, too bad, too bad, but it's soooo TRUE!" Her voice was perfect."I have 2 songs that I dedicated to both of you, one each." Star said. "What are they called?!!?"Ron yelled. "I will tell you after I sing them, if you haven't guessed. And i will do yours first Ron." Star sang Ron's song , which was called , my freind. "And me?" Harry asked. "You have to wait till' the Ball. It's tomorrow/. I'm siging solo , with a band though and the one song I sing is to you Harry." Star pulled all the way to the left for the spot harry had picked their lunch. After they ate, Star gave Ron and Harry bear hugs, but he whispered in her ear with all, his courage "Can't wait!" She smiled. After lunch everyone was happy and then Hermonie appeared . "Hi Miss America.I'm so sure your perky this morning. You are sickening, all of you.Your worthless like your stupid parents." " Hermonie look at your parents, they are practicaly knowed as saps and you act like you know it all.
Shutup Hemonie,you act like your in Slthyerin.Hermonie your the most rude, ugly and stupid person I have ever met! I knew something was wrong with you. Miss I'm too perfect for the world.Look at your life nobody but Ron and Harry like you!" Star cried. "YOU BRAT!!!!!" Hermonie pounced on Star. The boy's were enjoying Hermonie getting told off, but this was going way to far. Star was on the ground and stood ." You are going to tell the professer about this aren't you?" Hermonie asked . "No Hermonie I'm not you ." She dusted herself off and left. The boy's headed back to the cabin.They both glared at Hermonie."Did I just say that?" She said out loud. "Yep," Said Fernley Cue , a Slytheryn,"I say your Slytheryn material." "Oh shutup!" Said a Ravenclaw named, Daisy
Isve. Fernley left and Daisy and Hermonie sat down on a bench. "What's been up?" Daisy asked. Suddenly Hermonie felt a icy wave over her. She felt free. "Nothing,I-" "Hermonie, Daisy said, I heard some fighting in your cabin , that's not like you and now this.Explain." "Well ,at the party last night I was listening to the band. I was drinking some punch and then I fell asleep, I woke up and I felt mad and angry at everyone.I hated Star because, I don't know why and just aminute ago I turned into me. " Hermonie looked up from the ground and saw Daisy's expression. "What?" "That , that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Daisy was pointing next to Hermonies shoulder . Hermonie looked and then, was a dark lords sighn. "AHHHH!" The two girl's ran up the hill."Hermonie,You-know-who,is trying to take over your body,it's not your emoition's your showing, it's his and he just left your body,but he is going to come back.If you are strong he will leave." "How did you know that?" Hermonie asked. "Star. It happened to her before.I asked her about it,yesterday." Daisy said. "Oh, well I better go and,uh, explain." On her way back Hermonie felt sick. What if they didn't understand? When she firt started to talk, Star stopped her.I already told them Herm, all you needed was someone to stand up to you.Volder, "Don't say it!" Ron interuppted. "Oh alright, YOU -KNOW -WHO, knows he has to find someone weaker. That's the good news , but someone has contacted him." Everyone was silent. "Let's go to the ice rink everyone!" Piped Harry. The 4 left their cabin and did just that.The icerink wasn't crowded at all.They headed back to the cabin and fell straight to sleep.The next morning Dumbledore said that their should be a quittich game.They would go by the school teams .The game started. The first game was Hufflepuff and Slytherin . Slytherin won and so then it was Slytherin against Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw won, so Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were up. The game started.Cho chang, a girl Harry used to like and just remembered aboout , looked about for the snitch.Harry loooked up and realized it was above his head . Lee Jordan had arrived by flew power."YES GRYFFINDOR, WAY TO GO! Take that you ugly stink bird, where did your wings go, huh, huh??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?" "Mr.Jordan , stop that!" "Oh, uh sorry." Harry had just captured the snitch again.He blocked 5 bludgers too. "YES!!!" Gryffindor won the game,so it was up against Slythrin."You are going down Potter!!!" Yelled Malfoy. At the end of the game ,. Star heard a noise. The 4 saw a the dark mark appear. And suddenly, their was Voldermort standing there. Thegroup was well hidden and wasn't making any noise. "Well if it isn't my close friend.I love your work.Those 4 PEOLE, almost caught us, didn't they David?" Voldermort said."Yeah, I hate that little Harry Potter and his stupid friends.My sister does though. They are so dumb!" David laughed.Star couldn't handle it. "Oh don't worry about that, they will be dead soon." Voldermort said."OH NO WE WON"T !" Star yelled. She took out her wand. "RELIKSWEIN!" David fell down instantly. Hermonie appeared. "Utterclensaer! Herkleuth!KilderyVon!" Hermonie yelled all the killing spells she knew. Voldermort fell to the floor but wasn't dead. The gang kept on yelling killing spells over and over , until Voldermourt couln't take it. ~THE NEXT DAY~
The ball began. Everyone was happy. Star put her head on Harry's shoulder.She looked out the window and saw a face.It was blurry."David ?' She whispered. Taking her head off Harry's shoulder. The head nodded. "Help!"
"We should name her Rain. " Ice said,looking at her husband. "Why?" "Look at her eyes.They are so blue." "Wow. Your right." Charlie and Ice Wikner stood in front of their tent looking at their adoring daughter.Ice and Charlie were different. Not really bums, well sort of like a hippy.They had ran away from their old lifes.They couldn't stay. Charlie was knowed as a bad person there.Ice was too. But they both weren't. But htey bot died.Ice's bestfriend,Rose had found the child and took her. She ran and ran. She didn't stop. She kept running all day and finally stopped. What had she just done? Where was she? She had her eyes closed at the moment.She opened them. Wow,it was beatiful. The meadow's spread along the ground.The sun was setting, she couldn't stop running though. Well, maybe for a moment. Rose held the baby tightly to her chest. She was very hungry and tired .Her dress was stiched so ,she tore off 2 stiched layers,which made her dress hip length.She wrapped the baby up in a bundle and put the other layer around her. Rose heard a sound."Chop, chop chop!!" A man was cutting down a tree. His horse was in the woods by him. Rose suddenly sprang up. She ran towards the woods with Rain. She jumped on the horse and kicked it lightly. The horse set off. "Hey!" The man tried to keep up with her. Until he did. Rose fell off the horse , wih the baby in one of her hands.
"What where you doing?!!?" The man yelled. "Are you one of those bums who don't have anything better to do?" Rose was hurt. No she wasn't. She had a nice tent down at the bay.
The word hit her like a bolt of lighting. "No, sir. I am just taking my daughter , here, to a new home and I needed," "You didn't need , you wanted. It's hard work that helps one. For that youngster you have, you can come up to the cabin with me. I'll be leaving soon, so you can have the cabin.I don't know you , but I won't need the cabin either."The man walked to the cabin. Rose followed. "Oh, and my son is here and so is my wife and my grandaughter. My son is taking care of her now. My youngest daughter died." He opened up the wooden door as Rose looked up to reveal a hansome man. He looked rather familiar. His face turned red when he saw her.He had black hair and blue eyes.A little girl appeared. She had the same eyes and hair. "Let's go Uncle!!" She cried. A woman appeared. She smiled warmly at Rose . "why who is this charming little child?" "I am Rose and this is my,ehem,daughter,Rain." The warm older woman leaned over the child. "Oh my, her eyes, they are solid blue!!!" "Oh,Mother,noones eyes are one solid color, blue ,one of the rarest ,so you see-" His mouth hang open he glanced over to the childs direction. " My gooodness,they are solid blue." The little girl ran over to Rain. "She has pretty eyes!!!" She cried. Rose couldn't belive her fortune, she had instantly owened a cabin and instantly met a wonderful family. "Johnathan , you will , I'm sure take care of the cabin,even though Winston just explained he gave it to,um, Rose." "Your leaving so soon?" Rose asked. " Ah,yes." Said the old woman. We just fixed a few things. " Rose looked at the woman. " But there is so much supplies here....." "You can have it." The old woman smiled. " Oh,also, Leslie,she pointed to the little girl ,will show you her old baby carriage,we have no use for it. You can put Rain in there." And with that she left. Then it hit Rose,how did she know Rain's name????
~16 years later~
(to make a long story short,Rose married Jonathan and everyone is at the wedding)
Rose was now 38 and Jonathan 39. Rose ran over to the woman that gave the cabin to her. " How did you know her name?" "Because,I'm Charels mother."~ Rain looked around the room.She didn't feel quite right. She started sweating. " Hi Rain." " Hello Rain!" "How do you do?" "How are you?" "Congrats!" Voices swelled around her,as if eating her up. Rain started following into these words and her head stared spinning and she saw swarms of people,spinning ,spinning..... The visions were getting hard to see. Blurry,and blurrier. "Is she ok?" "Someone help Rain!!" "AAHHHH" "EEHH!' Blackness and quietness. Thats all she wanted. she was getting lifted. Don't wake me up! Avoice said. I like this. Just one more minute! Please!!!! She started to spin again. "Charels ! What are you doing? Get in here. That is a house!!!" " Ice,I dream of living in something like that one day. " That day is not today!' Said the woman with jet black hair ,pale skin and peircing blue eyes. Just like mine, thought Rain. The man had dark brown hair and deep brown eyes and a straight narrow nose. Just like my nose. But weren't Jonathan and Rose her parents? This was crazy,insane really. Cn't I go backto the dark blackness part? Then another vision swirled in her mind. " Rose flee! Save our Rain,go,go,go!' A young Rose looked at Charel's " Go!GO!" Strong men ran after them with daggers and other weapons. "Kill the wich and her husband,te warlock!' "Rose !" Cried Ice. "Take her. Atleast she'll carry on the blood. Flee!" A man pulled back Ice and stuck a dagger through her head and then her heart. "NOOOO!!!"Charel's Hollered. Looking at her. Some other man pulled the back of his shirt and stuck a knife through his head. He died with a pained look on his face. Rain woke up. "Ahhh!" The first thing she saw was Rose. "You!You lied,you never told me. I...I....want Ice,my mother!" Nothing had scared Rose like those words. "Jonathan!" "Thats it! Call that thing in here to rescue you!" Rose didn't know what to say. Jonathan ran throught the door. "What is it?" "She,Rain,she,she,told me and Ice and Charels!!!" " Rose lay down." His eyes shifted to Rain. " Don't scare your mother like that ,ok?" He smiled and his eyes were soft. But Rain's eyes were blazing. " She's not my mother!!!" All the sudden the light started shaking ,dishes ratteling.curtains seemed to be fighting to get off the and break the ring, wind blowing . The weather felt as cold as ice,as damp as rain. Rose screamed, "Make her stop!" "Stop it Rain!" Jonathan sceeched. In a voice that Rain never had in a raspy voice ,Rain said,"Your scared?!!!! " And started to laugh a hysteric laugh. "Get the phone and dial 911!!" Rose yelled.And Jonathan did just that. The police pulled in the drive. The sheriff grabbed Rain with such force and threw her into the back of the car with her hands hancuffed and her feet cuffed. She was still laughing. She struggled to sit up and she looked at the cop through the bars that were placed between the 2 seats. She stared at his eyes . The car started to shake. She started to laugh or giggle more like. The police man pulled over. "Stop that or we'll get in a wreck,young lady!" Rain stared at him and just asked ,"Are you scared yet?" He screamed as he looked into her eyes. They were glowing blue. "AAAHH!!!" He reached for his cb. "Mabinson Road, right by George and Bertha Jenkins ! Hurry!!! " In the back of the seat ,Rain took a deep breath,what exactly had she done? She thought back , the whole trama was scary . Was she hysterical? Ofcourse not,she was extremeley sane. Well,atleast right now. She heard police sirens and panicked. She knew what she did and she did it because of something and she started having another vision. "She will start knowing she has powers at age 16,thats how old he mother was when she died!" A plump woman declared. "I wonder where she is now,Rose took her off,they say." "This small town of Vlan Hills will never be the same. " Said a tall thin woman grabbing a child on the street and told him have a good day at school. "I know Charels and Ice where a great couple and then those stupid wanna-be warriors killed them. I ce helped this town with those powers of hers and so did Charels. They both helped moving things with their eyes and shooting lasers at enmeys,making sure no of them died. Those were great people. Rain should be famous, I doubt she knows anything." Said the plump woman. The thin one replied,"Rose always wanted a normal life,but she took things as they are..........." And Rain awaoke. A woman that was plump and old walked toward her and the a tall thin woman. They were from her dream or vision! ~to be contoinued~
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